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Space Exploration


Can we survive on Mars? - VastlyCurious

Can we survive on Mars? - VastlyCurious
   We have been dreaming about mars for many decades. Why colonize other planets when we have Our Earth? Well, we’ll need to assure our own survival against our madness and the cosmic catastrophes. 

   We don’t know when another massive asteroid will wipe out our entire planet and we still don’t have the find a way of shielding the Earth from such an asteroid even if we have found a way of detecting it. There might be different ways the earth could go extinct.

Life on Mars
 Life on Mars

    Finally, we should also be afraid of our own species because of the nuclear power we have. We already have enough firepower to nuke out our entire planet. So to grow our civilization colonization of planets has to be considered a priority.

But why mars?

            Firstly Mars has all the basics to support life. It has an energy source (sun), water in the form of ice on its poles, and the basic major molecules. Mars is 50% farther from the Sun, meaning the time to make a full rotation is longer.  And so this leads to longer seasons and even a long year on Mars.

 Mars is fascinating, with mountains and valleys. Mars’ mountains are massive in height and length, it is also visible from space, and its valleys are equally impressive.

Mars' surface
Martian surface

   But Mars is half the size of the Earth And so the gravity on Mars is 3.711 m/s², which is just 38 percent the gravity on Earth. Plus Mars doesn't have any magnetosphere unlike Earth to protect us from the Radiations and Solar storms. But still, we got to think of colonizing it for the survival of humanity.

But what's stopping us?

        Firstly, it has only 1% of Earth's atmosphere and it also doesn't have a magnetosphere.

    We know that boiling point is directly proportional to pressure so, the pressure decreases, the boiling point of water also decreases. 

    Since the pressure on Mars is low, our body temperature (96 F) will be higher than the boiling point of water in our body. So the Water will boil inside of you if you were to stand on mars. And that is not it, we got another problem there. Since mars' average temperature is very low (around -48 degrees Celsius), we would be freezing on mars and you would also need oxygen to survive. 

Mars landing
Landing on the Red planet

  So imagine this! When you are standing on the surface of Mars, your blood will be boiling on the inside while you will be freezing to death on the outside and you wouldn't have oxygen to breathe either. Extraordinary, right? 

It doesn't sound like a cool way to die, or does it?

What have we got?

        Scientists say that space suits will protect us from harmful environmental radiation and we have to live in small environments like domes to escape Solar winds.

    And now to the terraforming part. The Earth has the magnetosphere which stops the deadly particle blast from the sun and protecting us from the insane radiation. Whereas mars don't have any magnetosphere. So what do we do? Create one!

    Fortunately, scientists have found a way to solve this problem. By deploying a satellite with a huge magnetic field between the mars and the sun, it can act as an artificial barrier to cosmic radiation.

Artificial magnetic field
Creating an Artificial magnetic field

    And we can also try to create an atmosphere by releasing a large volume of CO2 on the mars like how we are doing on Earth. Poof! There you go, we got an atmosphere. Once we have magnetic fields and CO2 in the atmosphere, we can release the bacteria on Mars and it will absorb the nutrients on mars and it will release oxygen on mars.

    And we would have terraformed mars by a thousand Years. Yes, We are several generations away from dynamically changing an entire planet.


    But remember getting to Mars is still a daunting mission. But still, people aspire to discover as much as they can about Mars, as they one day aspire to send astronauts there and possibly start a civilization.

    We also need to fully understand the risks and reduce them as much as possible. But the dream lives on with every mission.