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Why is climate change so important? - VastlyCurious

Why is climate change so important? - VastlyCurious

     We all have been hearing about forest fires, floods and droughts a lot these days and scientists are predicting this could be happening due to climate change. So is this the end of humanity? Are we on the brink of extinction? This there anything we can do as an individual or as a society to prevent this from happening?

    Well! Of course, we are not going to let our planet go barren, are we?

Climate disaster
Causes of Climate change

    The warming of the Earth's climate has triggered the melting of ice and snow. The sea levels are rising. But we know the fact that we're heating up the planet by releasing a large number of gases and all of us know that there have been times when Earth has been cooler. So something is definitely going wrong, right?  I wondered the same thing and found some approaches to reduce at least our carbon footprint.

What might climate change do to our Planet? 

    Scientists have predicted that the temperature of our planet will keep going up for the next few decades and it could be dangerous for our planet. The Earth would possibly increase up to 1 Degree Celsius. This might not sound really bad, but this would be enough to cause more snow and ice to melt and so oceans would rise higher.

Forest Fires

    Many places would get warmer summers. While the others might have colder winters. And we would be seeing more floods in some places while at the same time some countries would be affected by extreme droughts. 

Can climate change be stopped?

    Even if we stop emitting greenhouse gases into our environment by close all of our industries today, global warming will continue for decades because our planet takes time to respond. But it might not be too late to prevent Global Warming. But we are going to let our planet die!

 But we can still make a few changes as an individual to save our planet from the brink of extinction. We can use renewable resources and spread awareness amongst our community about the effects of climate change.

  Educating people about climate change is vital for our survival.  We could also try to cut out our emissions by reducing the usage of greenhouse gas emitting vehicles and switch over to electric transport.

How climate change affects our biodiversity?

    Rising temperature is already affecting the world's polar species. Diminishing icebergs reduce the habitats of numerous polar animals.

Temperature changes will affect the migratory animals and birds as they rely on the changing seasons to indicate their migration timing. And consequently, it will lead to an imbalance in the food chain and is going to affect us directly.


The best way to help recover our planet is by learning about it. The more knowledge you acquire about Our home (Earth), the more beneficial it will become to save our planet from climate disasters.

You can also help save the planet by teaching others about the dangerous consequences of climate change and we can hope for a better future. We might as well colonize other planets, for that check out this How to survive on Mars