Vastly Curious

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What if we could control the weather? - VastlyCurious

What if we could control the weather? - VastlyCurious

    Imagine a future in which the Climate council has the authority over the weather in a particular country. They decide the weather of every state on Earth. Got a Drought in your state? No problem! We can make gentle showers in your state. Got a storm in your city? Don't worry, they (Climate Council) will nuke the storm and the sky will become clear. If this becomes possible soon, then we don't have to worry about Climate disasters anymore.

Controlling Weather

     Technology has given us far too many things and we keep expanding the use the technology. But what if we could alter nature using it. It sure looks like a dream. It could help us against the fight against climate change. We could potentially reverse the effects of climate change.

What are the benefits of controlling the weather?

    Firstly, we could stop the catastrophes from ever happening. We could create a super cold cloud over an area where there is a heatwave and we could create rain where ever and whenever possible and prevent drought. Farmers don't have to worry about the harvest. So the farming would thrive. 

    It could also help us against the fight against climate change. We could potentially reverse the disasters of climate change. Controlling climate change! It does sound like an awesome idea, right? But might not just work in the future just yet.

The making of rain

    The chemists working at the General Electric Research Laboratory in New York discovered that they could create rain by introducing ice crystals into a supercooled cloud and also adding a Crystalline substance like silver iodide. 
Rain clouds
Creating clouds using science

    Rain is often produced by the freezing of moisture in the atmosphere and the clouds are formed. So when the temperature becomes high, the cloud releases the ice crystals either in the form of snow or rain. So by adding Silver Iodide into the clouds, the moisture in the atmosphere gloms into crystals and freezes. Once the ice grows big enough, the cloud releases the crystals in the form of water. And there we have it, the rain.

Can we stop a disaster?

    So we can try to create rain and stop the drought in some areas, but stopping the formation of storms, seems like an impossible task, or is it? According to the chaos theory, few small changes could drastically affect the outcome of a complex event. We could use this theory to avoid a major catastrophe and convert it into a minor storm. 


    We could try to save the lives of many people and avoid property damage. We can predict the formation of hurricanes in the ocean using our technology and we could release a large amount of biodegradable oil into the specific area of the sea, which in turn stops the evaporation of seawater, the process which drives the hurricane formation.

Is it easy?

    It is all sounds like an audacious dream. But the idea of using Silver Iodide in the cloud barely seemed to work and the concept doesn't seem to encourage the scientists, as there is no scientific evidence for this concept. The experiments done in the lab shows that this technique works. But the world is a much bigger place. Unfortunately, we as humans can't dictate the weather just as we want. The Earth is too large to tamper with.


Can we control the weather?

     We as humans, could not even acquire the technology to predict the weather accurately, let alone controlling it. There are far too many obstacles in the process of weather modification. Our planet is far too great for us to tamper with. Seems like controlling the weather is actually a superpower. Could there be a greater scientific discovery in the future that could allow us to control the weather?