Vastly Curious

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Why Boredom is good for you? - VastlyCurious

Why Boredom is good for you? - VastlyCurious

     When is the last time you have spent your time just relaxing and thinking, and not getting involved in any Activity? When is the last time you have allowed yourself to be bored? You don't allow yourself to be bored in this fast-paced world. Because you have all the distractions to keep you in an active state. But what if I told you that boredom is actually good for you, would you allow yourself to be bored?

    In this fast-paced world, there is always a distraction and we always manage our thoughts away by using our phone or checking our social media regularly. We can't keep ourselves bored because boredom is unpleasant and we can't do unpleasant things. Boredom is not simply doing anything whereas when the other option doesn't seem appealing to you, you seem fine to not get concerned and just relax. It is just a state of feeling underwhelmed and we don't want to feel lethargic. But does that do any good to us?

How can Boredom Enhance Creativity?


    Being bored is when you can't focus your attention on one particular activity. So is this actually useful to us? We are just letting our minds wander. Studies have shown that the state of weariness is actually improving your creativity. Great ideas like flying cars and colonizing other planets, just don't come out of nowhere, thoughts and reflection create great Ideas. Daydreaming is very crucial for enhancing your creativity. So if you want to get more imaginative, get bored

How does Boredom allow you to Self-Reflect?

    If you ever find yourself bored in a situation, you are being present in the moment and you now understand that something is not working for you in the current situation. When you are bored, you might be thinking about your life as a whole and you could be wondering about your purpose in life. 

Self Realization
Self Realization
    But if you are bored, you start looking at your phone, you might escape boredom. But dodging boredom might not be the best option as you could possibly missing out on other things while looking at your phone. Being bored may trigger you to think about others and what you can do to society. Self-reflection usually is the spark to build real changes in your life. Boredom might come due to a temporary lack of purpose in life, but that is what makes you to reflect on your overall objective in life.

Why the feeling of Boredom is so Essential in Life?

    Boredom and Productivity are not so distinct. They complement each other. Being bored is actually gonna make you do something and thus it increases your productivity

    Letting ourselves be bored is actually crucial for goal setting and it allows us to reflect on our past, plan for our future. So instead of looking at boredom as a waste of our time, let us make it an imminent way to relax your brain. Instead of checking your phone while standing in a queue, let yourself be bored and welcome new thoughts.



    We are in a generation forced to the constant dopamine hit and we are constantly kept active by technology. But we have to feel boredom to experience various emotions in life. You will improve your brain and mood by being bored. So next time you are waiting in a queue, control the urge to look at your phone and let your mind wander.