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Will Wormholes allow Interstellar travel? Breaking Spacetime - VastlyCurious

Will Wormholes allow Interstellar travel? Breaking Spacetime - VastlyCurious

Right now, wormholes are only a theoretical concept, but who knows what the future holds. Wormholes have been an intriguing concept in the cosmos which has already been explained by various sci-fi movies. The interstellar movie has certainly amazed us by rightly predicting and depicting the structure of the wormholes. Do wormholes really exist? Could they help us travel interstellar? Can we pass through one of them?

Wormholes in space
Wormholes in space

What are Wormholes?

   The Wormhole is a round, spherical structure similar to black holes that could create a shortcut for long journeys across the universe by creating a passage through space-time. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, space and time make up the entire cosmos and it could be bent because of the gravitational force of enormous heavenly bodies. Because of the curved nature of space-time, the wormholes allow travelling to two remote regions of the universe with the help of a short bridge letting the passengers travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein Rosen Bridge is the theoretically proposed wormhole that is considered to act as a portal to a parallel universe.  

Wormholes connecting different regions in space
Wormholes connecting different regions in space

How do Wormholes work?

    Einstein's theory of relativity explains the fabric of space-time and how time acts as a fourth dimension. Wormholes might contain two mouths and the mouths are predicted to be spheroidal in shape. The mouths of the wormholes are said to be the black holes where the gravitational pull is so high that even the light can't escape. These black holes act as a tunnel to hyperspace with which we can move to higher dimensions. The walls of the wormholes are attracted to each other and so we don't do something to hold the tunnel, the opening will be closed. Inside the wormhole, we might see the distorted sights of the cosmos from one side of the wormhole to the other side of the wormhole.

Going through the Wormhole

Going through an wormhole
Going through a wormhole
    Wormholes are hypothetical at this point and even if they exist, they might exist only at microscopic levels. Even the smaller wormholes contain a tremendous mass and require huge energy to remain stable. The larger wormholes cannot exist because generally wormholes are highly unstable and it requires enormous energy to hold the opening of the mouths of the wormholes. So the Einstein-Rosen bridges might not be the best bet for travelling as they would collapse quickly. Currently, there is also no way to construct a wormhole as we only know a little about the wormhole concept itself. 

    The only particle which could stop the collapse of the wormhole is Exotic matter, the existence which is also still a mystery. Exotic matter is different from dark matter and Antimatter as it contains mass that repulses all the other normal particles. The Exotic matter could be the key ingredient to make sure the portal remains open and stable for a long period of time for the spaceships to pass through them. But we do know that negative energy exists which supports and accelerates the expansion of the universe. The Russian astronomers have predicted that when the particle coming out of a wormhole gets collided with the matter on the other side of the wormhole, it releases an enormous amount of gamma rays. 

Do Wormholes really exist and where can we find them?

    Even though the theory of general relativity says that wormholes might be feasible, that doesn't indicate that they have to exist. After all, the evidence was only proven with the help of mathematical theories, but the reality might be different from what we found. We haven't found any evidence of wormholes in the observable universe in our decades of space research. But the Italian researchers suggested that there is a Wormhole present in the centre of the Milkyway galaxy. Even opening a single wormhole breaks the fundamental laws of the universe and creates many paradoxes, and so it is believed to be impossible to exist at this point. The Wormholes are pretty hypothetical at this point and we don't expect to find any wormholes in our universe.