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Why the future of cars is Electric? - VastlyCurious

Why the future of cars is Electric? - VastlyCurious

     We are heavily relied on Fossil Fuels to run our vehicles, but that is not the way forward. We are continuously polluting our environment by releasing a lot of Greenhouse gases into our environment. In fact, the electric cars were the first cars before the arrival of Ford's Model T, but the electric cars flopped because they were not a match for Gas cars then. So Has the technology improved now? How far is the future of Electric cars?

Fully Electric Car
BMW I8 Fully Electric Car
    So yes! The revolution of Electric cars has arrived! The future of cars is definitely going to be electric, but it will not happen overnight. Many countries are trying to place a ban on gas vehicles by 2040, the future of electric cars is inevitable. Many innovations and new technologies have made the revolution faster. Cars are getting efficient and cheaper, and battery technology seems to improve every year. It could help us in the fight against climate change as it helps to cut down our carbon emissions.     

Why Electric cars are the Future?

  • Saving money by going Electric
    By switching to Electric vehicles, the cost to run and maintenance decreases significantly. Even the price of Electric cars seems to decrease and the battery technology seems to get more efficient every year. The overall cost of an Electric car is way lesser than gas-powered cars as the maintenance requires for an Electric car is pretty low.

  • No need to look for Gas Stations
    There is no necessity to look for gas stations any longer as the chargers can be positioned at our homes. Even the chargers are getting faster and more efficient. You can also add solar panels to your home and commute will be easier than looking for a gas station on your way to work. Tesla is in the lead in terms of Electric chargers as Tesla's superchargers with 480-volt chargers can charge a vehicle for 321.8 km (200 miles) in just 15 minutes. 
Tesla SuperCharger with 480-Volt Fast Charging
  • High-performance Vehicles
    Electric Cars have extremely powerful torque and their pickup is pretty swift. These cars virtually make no noise at all because of the absence of an Internal-combustion Engine. Electric cars are also used in the Formula One Championships.

  • Huge Range Gain
    The advancements made in battery technology have revolutionized Electric cars, as the range of the car has been improving every year. So we don't have to worry about the long commute anymore. Modern EVs have an average range of about 275 km (170.8  miles). So the range is also not a problem anymore.

  • Fight against Climate change
    The major benefit of Electric cars is it doesn't any carbon emission, which could help us in the fight against climate change. We could also see quieter commutes and cleaner air in our environment.

Why Electric Cars might be bad?

     We know that Electric cars are better for the environment than ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) Cars because Electric cars won't release any carbon footprint. But do you think that it is really true? Because it is not carbon neutral, the production of Electric cars releases a ton of Greenhouse Gases into our environment. 

Lithium mining for Battery 
     The Car batteries are made up of Lithium which like any raw material needs mining and the process of mining releases a lot of Greenhouse gases. An average-sized Electric Vehicle's battery production releases about 2 metric tons of Carbon dioxide emission and the production of batteries for larger SUVs emits about 18 metric tons of CO2. While the average production of a non-electric car is equal to just 7 metric tons, which is only a portion of what the production of Electric cars emits. 

     Our problems not only stop there, but the mining of lithium requires drilling deep into the surface and that could affect the salinity of the water in the area. So this results in a decrease in water supply and less water available for Agriculture. So as the demand for Electric cars increases, the water in the nearby area might get affected, also affecting the livelihood of the people living in the area.

    The problems are not yet over, the recycling of Lithium is not very efficient and due to its volatile nature, it could not be stored in an area for a long time. Ugh! It seems like we already got so many problems with Electric cars themselves. Are we going to find any solutions that might solve these problems? 

Will Electric Cars take over?

    So the future of Electric Cars is bleak? No, it all depends on how we implement modern technologies to solve these problems. The Electric Car industry will evolve and finding efficient solutions for all these problems is crucial. 

    In fact, it is only the production of cars that produces greenhouse gases, once the production of cars is done, the entire carbon discharge of Electric cars is way lesser than the non-electric cars. Most argue that converting to Electric vehicles could be dangerous for our electric grids, but that is not the case once Electric Vehicles become normal, that won't be a factor. 

The Future of Electric Cars
   But switching to renewable resources must be done to actually make the vehicle carbon neutral. There is an upward trajectory in the sales of Electric cars, in fact, it is predicted that by 2025, 20% of the vehicles sold will be Electric! Voila!


    We are going the right way in terms of Electric vehicles and absolutely, electric cars are the future of Transport. The Government is also pushing for EVs.  The future of seeing EVs on the road and charging stations everywhere is definitely going to happen, but still, it is a long way to go.