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Space Exploration


Why dark matter matters? - VastlyCurious

Why dark matter matters? - VastlyCurious
    The Universe is a vast space and there is so much we haven't discovered even in the observable universe. There are many mysterious lurking in the cosmos and one such thing is the existence of Dark matter. Dark matter can't be observed by our technology, but its presence is always felt in the universe. The greatest challenge of studying dark matter is that we have to study something we can't see. Is there a way humans could actually find out about the truth of the Dark matter? Or will Dark matter continue to be a mystery of the cosmos like the concept of the Multiverse?
The Observable Universe
    Dark matter is something that cannot be found by its luminosity whereas its presence is only detected by its gravitational attraction. Stars and Galaxies that are so far off could be seen by our telescopes because of their light. This light is captured by our telescopes and we can observe the galaxies and stars which are many light-years away. But the dark matter doesn't emit any radiation and hence its presence cannot be detected.

How is Dark Matter formed?

    Dark matter makes 80 per cent of our Universe and that is a huge part of our universe. So how does it form? The Scientists examine how the universe is formed by the equation of state and that is how they discovered the existence of Dark Matter. 
Hubble Telescope
Hubble Telescope observing the distant Galaxies
    The Astrophysicists believe that it might be made of some exotic particles that we have not yet discovered and the absence of light indicate that they might be electrically neutral in nature. But still, there is no clear evidence of what it is made of. It is speculated that Dark matter might have formed after the big bang and it might be helping our universe to expand

How Dark Matter affects the Universe?

    The presence of Dark matter is discovered by observing the stars and planets that are on the edge of our galaxy. We know how the gravity of the Sun affects the planets, the closer the planets to the Sun, the faster the planets move. 

    Our galaxy's gravitational pull is ultimate in the middle of our galaxy, so the celestial bodies that are farther from the centre must be moving slower compared to Celestial bodies near the centre. But that was not the case, the stars far off from the centre seem to be going faster than predicted. This only could mean the chance of the presence of another material that is not perceived by us.

Black Hole
Black hole bending Light
    That is not just it, Dark matter even has the capacity to bend the light. Usually, the size of the galaxy is calculated by a method called Gravitational Lensing, which proposes that the mass of an object affects the space around it thereby bending the space-timeWhen the adjacent Galaxies are observed, the planets seem to have higher masses as the bending of light seem to be very high and thus the Dark matter is originated. 

    The Dark matter might also be holding the galaxies together in the cosmos as it is the only thing that has the gravitational capacities to bind together galaxies. It makes up most of our universe and we still searching for answers about Dark matter.

Dark Matter Vs Dark Energy

    Dark Matter might be connected to specific energy that is accelerating the expansion of the universe ever since the Big Bang and that energy generated by dark matter is called Dark Energy. Different theories prove that Dark Energy might actually blow up our universe in a few billion years. 

    After the Big Bang, the galaxy appears to move away from us, this proved that our universe was indeed expanding. The gravity must compress them, whereas the dark energy seems to help the expansion of our universe. Like Dark matter, Dark Energy also seems to be a mystery of the cosmos.


    The more we learn about the cosmos, the more questions seem to be popping up. Studying something that can't be observed is difficult, we still don't know how it can be done. But as the technology keeps on improving, we might get closer to the answers. We might find out the truth someday!