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Space Exploration


The Multiverse of Madness : Is Multiverse Real? - VastlyCurious

The Multiverse of Madness : Is Multiverse Real?  - VastlyCurious

  I've always been fascinated by space and the idea of the multiverse seem to intrigue me. The Scientific community has been doing its research, but still, there is no enough evidence to prove the existence of the multiverse. Is multiverse just a fantasy-like time travel? Can they exist? Can Travelling to another universe affect our reality? What are the things that we know about our own universe?

Search for Multiverse

     Even after observing the universe with our technology, we just couldn't find what exists at the end of the observable universe. There might be nothingness beyond our universe or there might be another alien civilization beyond that. We simply don't have any evidence to prove the exists of a multiverse, but that doesn't mean it is not possible, right?

What's a Multiverse?

    The idea of the Multiverse is highly questionable. The multiverse is the theory in which our planet, our sun and our entire universe is just a part of a larger structure and so we are just a small part of it. We haven't even explored our solar system, imagine exploring our universe or the entire multiverse. 

The Multiverse of Madness
The Multiverse of Madness
    The multiverse might be beyond our observation and might not even be connected to our universe at first. Our observable universe may even be only a tiny portion of the cosmos. 

    After the big bang, our universe had started expanding and it has continued that ever since. The farther we get from the other universe, the lesser the chance becomes making a contact with them. Or just the rest of the universe has been barren and we are the only intelligent species in the entire cosmos. Hmm! Sounds boring!

How the multiverse works?

    Scientists haven't predicted the shape of space-time and so it might even stretch vastly throughout the cosmos. So if space is endless, it has to repeat itself at a certain point and that might lead to the theory of Infinite Universes in the cosmos. We can't be sure if the universes inside the infinite universe are connected or if they could even be observed.
Travelling to Multiverse

    But the idea of a Parallel universe might be possible as implied by our quantum mechanics research. Every state and move of you will be observed and that might be repeated in a parallel universe. 

    But the parallel universe might not be intercepted by the other universes, because the parallel universes are not connected whereas they are separate. So they might be different versions of yourself in the multiverse, living similar to you or entirely different from you. Yeah! Multiverse is surely a Madness.

Is Travelling to other universes possible?

    The existence of the fourth dimension was proved by Einstein. He said that time could act as a fourth dimension and he also proposed the General Theory of Relativity in 1905. That actually proves the existence of space-time which forms the base of the Multiverse.
 But since we can't observe the different universes and prove the existence of other universes, there is no obvious way to travel to them. Travelling and transportation of any material can't be possible unless we find a way to open up the parallel dimension and find a way to travel through them.


    Even if parallel universes exist, then travelling to them would be no harder than time travel. As there is no clear evidence to prove that the concept of multiverse even exists, there is no way we could travel to them, let alone observing them. We must invest in Technology and improve our research on the cosmos and unleash the mysteries lurking in space.