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Space Exploration


What if the Moon disappeared? - VastlyCurious

What if the Moon disappeared? - VastlyCurious

   The Moon holds a significant place for the existence of the Earth. It has avoided countless meteors from hitting the Earth and it places a major role in our seasons. We would probably don't want to lose our natural satellite because of its value. But what if the moon disappeared suddenly? Would that affect the way we live on Earth? What will happen to our plans of colonizing the moon? Will we survive without the moon?

The Moon

    The disappearance of the Moon would be a great loss to our planet as it is what is holding the Earth in the tilt and not letting the Earth wobble. The gravity of the Moon is responsible for the tides on our planet and it is also letting us have longer days because the rotation of the Earth is being slowed down by the moon's gravity. We won't have a serious impact after the disappearance of the moon, but the effects can only be felt millions of years later.

How the Moon affects the tides?

    Do you like Tides and surfing on the beach, then it is going to be a very big problem for you! Because the major effect of the disappearance of the moon can be felt by tides as the gravitation force of the Moon is responsible for the formation of tides on the Earth.

    We know how gravity works, the closer the object to another object, the stronger its gravitational force. We got two surfaces of the ocean: the one that is lining the moon and the other one not overlooking the moon. Obviously, the two sides change every day as the rotation of the moon around the Earth continues. The side that is closer to the moon experience the gravitational force of the moon and the water is pulled to almost one meter while the other side doesn't experience a negligible force from the moon. The water rising up forms the tides! 


    But here is the catch, the removal of the moon won't mean any more tides. Only half of the tides are generated by the Moon, we still would have tides because of the gravitational force of the sun. Even though the sun is farther from the Earth, its higher gravity affects the tides on Earth. But the tides would be so big now, but we can easily predict the tides now only the sun has the effect on it.

Why would we have longer days on Earth?

    Earth used to have shorter days earlier, and now the Earth has longer days because of the moon's gravitational pull. As the tides pull up on Earth due to the moon, it is actually slowing down the rotation of the Earth slightly. This is because of the drag produced by the rise of waves. 

    So as the moon is getting far away from the Earth, the Earth limps down its rotation. It transfers the angular momentum to the Moon. It slows down the rotation of the Earth by 15 microseconds per year. Actually, that's not too much! It just affected the rotation of Earth millenniums by millenniums.

How does the moon affect the seasons on Earth?

    The rotation of Earth is just a bit wobbly and it has a fixed tilt of rotation of about 23.5 degrees. But things could get ugly if the wobble of our planet increases and that would mean a change of seasons on the Earth. 

    But fortunately, we got our own natural satellite Moon, which holds the Earth in its tilt position due to the gravitational force exerted on it by the Moon. Thanks to that we got predictable seasons every year and places won't have to face a single season for a long time. But the dismissal of the Moon won't affect our seasons immediately, it is more of a long-time effect.

Is the Moon preventing the asteroid strikes on Earth?

    When is the last time we got hit by a giant Asteroid? We don't usually get hit by an Asteroid, but if the Asteroid strike were to happen, that would pose a greater threat to the species on Earth. The Moon is actually helping us out to stay away from the Asteroid strikes, as it attracts the asteroids coming in our way. The craters on the moon were formed by the asteroid strikes on them. 

     So if the moon were to disappear, we would have to worry about asteroids eventually. But Jupiter is the main cause of this as it attracts the meteor itself because of its higher gravitational force. So Jupiter is still going to do its job and prevent meteor strikes on Earth. 

No more Eclipses!

    After the disappearance of the Moon obviously, there won't be any eclipses as there is nothing to eclipse the sun. This won't have a major impact on us in any way. It would be the last thing to worry about. But the sky would become a great spectacle to watch because of the absence of the moonlight. Stars can be viewed clearly without the moon! 


    The Moon is certainly a great resource to our planet, but we won't be seeing an immediate impact after the end of the Moon. Life on Earth would continue as it is, we won't be missing the moon. But surely living on a moonless planet might be tough for us unless we look to colonize other planets.