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Will Artificial Intelligence take over the world? - VastlyCurious

Will Artificial Intelligence take over the world? - VastlyCurious

    Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating technology, it seems to be the future. It is useful for performing complex tasks even without the intervention of Humans. We could be needing less manpower and it could get efficient. What are the uses of Artificial Intelligence? With all the innovation happening, AI is replacing every human job. Will AI take over the world? Would that make Earth a better place?

artificial intelligence

What can Artificial Intelligence do?

    Artificial Intelligence is the capacity of the system to perform human abilities such as reasoning and problem solving without the intervention of Humans. It is programmed to take the information from its surroundings and solve the problem based on its reasoning capabilities

    They analyze the previous outcomes of the process and adapt the movements based on the outcome, so basically a trial and error method. The rise of Artificial Intelligence began because of the availability of a huge amount of data that could make the systems more and more efficient. It has been proved useful in the field of medical and manufacturing.

Why Artificial Intelligence is important? 

    AI could be crucial to the future of our technological world, it has various purposes in making our life better and it has continued to grow ever since the age of Data. Jobs that require hard work can be switched to AI, as it can handle any work without any strain and it can be done efficiently. Risky jobs can be done by AI which could protect people from serious injuries. Unlike humans, they can perform efficiently even under high temperature and pressure situations.

   AI can make smart cities and maintenance of the cities can also be done by them. They could monitor the wastage of energy, and detect ways to control them. Traffic jams can be avoided by implementing AI technology into traffic control systems. The revolution of self-driving cars is made possible by implementing AI into cars. Even Level-1 Cars can help avoid accidents and make your commute safer. 

    Social media has become a vital part of our generation and the boom of Social networks came because of the intervention of AI. Your Social media feed is getting more and more personalized to you since machine learning techniques are used to generate your feed. AI makes sure that you only see the relevant content and not show any unrelated posts on your feed. That is how AI makes it easier for netizens.

AI in Argiculture

    There is a significant rise in the production of food due to the intervention of Artificial Intelligence, it helps to find efficient ways to protect the crops from bad weather and pests. More yield and prediction of which crop to grow at the right can be made possible through AI. Possible defeat in the seed and the nitrogen content is measured, and the yield will get better.

    Space Exploration is made possible by the involvement of AI. Exploration of space cannot be done by humans alone as sending humans directly to space might be risky. So AI is going to be crucial to the exploration of space. Curiosity mars rover is using AI to navigate on mars as it is difficult for humans to control the rover from the Earth itself.

Will Artificial Intelligence replace humans?

     As the growth of Artificial Intelligence takes place, the fear of AI replacing our jobs has started growing among people. The AI proves to be more accurate and efficient than humans, they are also less error-prone. They can also be used for risky jobs and the operation cost of AI is very low compared to the wage needed for an employee. So with AI having so many advantages over humans, is it even possible for humans to have a job in the world of AI?

Humans Vs Artificial Intelligence

    The comparison between Humans and Artificial Intelligence should not be made because they can't be compared. AI is non-intuitive, irrational and it doesn't have any emotions like humans have. The human ability to react to a problem emotionally and culturally makes us superior to AI. According to a survey, it is predicted that AI will take over 85 million jobs by 2025, but don't bother, it will also create 97 million new jobs by the same year. AI is very good at performing repetitive tasks and humans are way more creative than AI which makes us effective. We don't have to worry about AI taking over because Artificial Intelligence only aims to make man's life better. 


    Artificial Intelligence is the way forward for Humankind, it is a boon to humanity. Even though people fear that AI will take over the world, it is highly unlikely to happen. AI can only act as a support system for human beings. With all its benefits, we can't rule out the development in the field of Artificial Intelligence.